Okay, not quite. Actually the question was brought to my attention.
Can you be in love with more than one person at the same time? Can you love more than one person at the same time?...Mmmm. Well my first thought and answer is no. That's to the first question. Yes you can. That's to the second question. Might seem a bit selfish but let's dig deeper.Let’s play devil’s advocate. If we look at the definition of “Love” it’s a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, thus being “in love” or having "love" for someone would mean having a deep affection and passion for that person.
So my question is..."where does it say you can only feel this way with one person?"
Technically it doesn’t. I think everyone has different characteristics that make us who we are. This is why you might find yourself interested in more than one person at a time. People are constantly growing and changing because of their experiences. As you change you would hope to figure out what you like/love. You may be in a situation with someone and feel a strong connection, beyond words, you might call this love, but by chance you could just as easily develop a similar if not stronger vibe with someone else. What would you call that? Ha confusion? LOL..
Well, should we allow ourselves to be in love or love more than one person at a time? Remember the bible says the heart is deceitful. Should you even allow your feelings to develop for more than one person on that level at the same time? What is your definition of love? Seems like it varies by person.
A friend said, if you love more than one person, then you actually don’t love either one. I beg to differ. I can love more than one person for different reasons. Everyone is not the same. HOWEVER, I do not think you can be "in-love", to the level of wanting to be with a person for the rest of your life, with more than one person. Being "in-love" is intense. It's a deeper love and attraction for someone. When you are "in-love" nothing else matters. There is no second guessing. It is a type of attachment and a oneness with an individual. But love in general can span across all boundaries..then again I think it’s all subjective.